I first started out in college with the mind-set that I wanted to be a photojournalist. Photography has always been my biggest passion. However, when I started college my path went towards editorial versus photography and I fell in love with magazine writing. Sadly, as my schedule becomes more busy with studying, writing, and finding time to sleep--I've realized I haven't picked up my Canon in over 6 months.
I miss what used to be my biggest passion and I've decided that in order to make time for my favorite hobby I need to challenge myself. I came across a website that encourages photographers to keep up with their art.
I've decided to take part in the 30 Day Photography challenge and the first item on the list: self-portrait.

Nice self portrait. In doing magazine work, I've found that being able to provide the pix is a real plus...and often I get more money for the pix than the text. Go for it!
Great decision! It's so easy to get completely swept up in the project of school, while drifting farther from your passions.
How long have you been a photographer? I took photography all through high-school but didn't stick with it (I still love taking photos, but my favorite part was working in the darkroom). Do you have any favorite locations to shoot?
I love your post! It reminds me to continue to do things I love, especially things that give me stress relief.
I used to crochet and sketch all the time, I haven't this entire semester...my hooks are looking lonely.
I'm curious to hear how the challenge is going? Have you found time to keep up with it?
This blog would be a great space to document the challenge. I'd love to see the remaining 29 photos!
Isn't it interesting the route that life takes some times?
I can completely relate to the feeling you express here with not being able to pursue a passion without a challenge...it seems silly, but why would we do something that's easy?
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